Saturday, November 2, 2013

Finance House Enhancements With A Home Improvement Loan!

Long after the appearance of home loans, some lenders understood that the same system used for granting loans for the purchase of a property could be used for granting loans to make improvements to the asset. That's how secured home improvement loans appeared. Lately some personal loans where tailored for financing home improvements and unsecured home improvement loans are now available too.Secured or UnsecuredSince both options are available to home owners, the decision whether to resort to secured or unsecured home improvement loans will be taken according to the needs of the borrower and the benefits that each type provide. Both types of loans are suitable for doing what they are supposed to do: provide financing for making home improvements. But, before rushing in to apply for a loan it is wise to see which best suits your needs.Secured home improvement loans are secured with the same asset as your mortgage loan. If you don't have a mortgage loan, these loans actually take the form of a mortgage loan. If you already have an outstanding mortgage, they take the form of a second mortgage also known as home equity loan. The interest rate charged for these loans is considerably lower than unsecured loans and the repayment programs can also be longer. Moreover, the loan amounts are more generous since there is less risk involved for the lender.Unsecured home improvement loans on the other hand, come with higher interest rates and shorter repayment programs. The loan amount you can obtain is also lower. However, due to their unsecured nature, the risk of repossession is not present and though more expensive, shorter and smaller, the differences are not that noteworthy. If you don't need too much money and you prefer to repay your loan sooner, applying for unsecured loans is safer and faster.RequirementsGetting approved for a home improvement loan is rather easy. Since the purpose of the loan is to make home improvements, repair the property and / or redo it, the lenders are not so picky. Given that the improvements raise the property value, the lender is actually contributing to increase the overall value of the asset that is securing his loan even if the loan is actually unsecured.Nevertheless, unsecured loans do have more strict credit requirements but are approved faster. The main requirement is your credit score rating. A good credit score will guarantee approval while a bad credit score may complicate it. There are lenders providing bad credit home improvement loans but they are not common. If secured, home improvement loans approval is almost guaranteed because the lender has sufficient security ensuring that he will be able to recover his money one way or another.